Wednesday 12 December 2012

V for Vendetta and Children of Men Characters

Children of Men

Theo - The protagonist of the film. He allows the story to progress as the choices he makes, determines what the audience witnesses next. This is on the basis that he is the focus of the film. He is depicted as the hero, ensuring Kee remains safe until she reaches the Human Project. In the end he lays down his life in the process of this cause, illustrating more hero like qualities.     

Jasper - Can be known as the helper of the film. Throughout, he provides sanctuary and protection to Theo our protagonist. He is good friends with Theo and tries to help in every way he can. To ensure the protagonist and various other characters escape the clutches of evil, Jasper stays behind and is willing to die so that others may live. In some respects he can be classed as the dispatcher. This is concluded from the idea that he informs Theo of Syd as well as how to get through Bexhill.       

Kee - This character can be labelled as the princess in accordance with stereotypical narrative character roles. Although the hero does not seek to marry or win the heart of the princess, the purpose of Theo’s journey is to ensure Kee remains protected. She is the key to human survival, making the hero lost without her. She is under threat by several parties such as the organisation headed by Luke (the evil), revealing to the audience that she is the victim of the escalating situation.      

Luke - The purpose of Luke is to create the threat and villain of the film. He becomes the leader of an organisation which sets out to use Kee for their own political gain. Although the views of this organisation are classed as evil through a matter of perspective, they still act as the threat, establishing them as the villains of the film. At first he is portrayed as a helper to the protagonist, which allows the audience to connect with him on certain levels.       

Syd - The character of Syd can be said to have two roles. At first he can be interpreted as the donor, who provides Theo, Kee and Miriam with safe passage to Bexhill. But in discovering who Kee truly is, he becomes motivated and blinded by self-gain purposes. This therefore turns him into a villain.    

Julian - Julian is considered the main dispatcher in the film. She gives the role of protecting kee to Theo. This sets the hero on his journey and gives him purpose. She also bears similar traits to that of a princess, being the woman Theo loves and the person he initially begins the journey for. 

Miriam - She is also partially responsible for the safe passage of Kee. She helps Theo in protecting Kee and is communicated as a caring mother like figure. She mainly falls into the category of the helper, as she does not support Kee all the way to the of the film.   

Marichka - After the removal of Miriam, Marichka steps in as the helper. She becomes responsible for ensuring Theo and Kee escape the dangers of Bexhill.  

V for Vendetta

Evey - She is portrayed as the princess, falling in love the hero. She begins with feminine like qualities, but develops into a character which bears purpose and meaning. Evey can also be depicted as a hero, by choosing to send the train full of explosives to Parliament. This is also supported by the idea that she outlives V, leaving the most important decision with her to make.  

V - V is one of the main protagonists. He is the hero of the film, with a set cause fighting until he achieves his goal. He battles with evil and rallies the public to side with his ideas, through the use of his symbol. Although he seeks revenge, another of his motivations is to liberate society from the control and corruption of the totalitarian government. In doing this, V sacrifices his life, an expectation of the hero.   

Sutler - Chancellor Sutler is the villain of the film. The role of Sutler is to act as a threat and obstacle to the hero. He represents evil and is the symbol of power, spearheaded by the Norsefire party.  

Dietrich - Dietrich can be interpreted as a father figure for Evey. He contributes to the plot by representing the people of society and their fears and oppression. He also adds a sense of comedic value to the film.     

Finch - He contributes to the storyline by pursuing the protagonists. In doing this communicates the character’s job. This reinforces the idea that individuals such as Sutler are considered villainous, not all the people with careers related to extinguishing terrorist threats.    

Creedy - Creedy acts as Sutler’s pawn and henchman. He reinforces the negativity of the government, but also gives the story additional action and a physical threat to the protagonists. He accomplishes this by carrying out Sutler’s dirty work and uses the governments resources at his disposal, such as man power and weaponry.       

Protheroe and Bishop Lilliam - These characters act as middle men in communicating the acceptable norms and values, determined by the government, to society. This is through the use of controlling the church and the media, two of the largest influences in modern day life towards peoples beliefs.     

Tuesday 11 December 2012

Feedback on Textual Analysis Presentations

Film Language
(Micro - Macro)
Analysis of Macro
(Level 3)
  • Highlighted examples clearly.

  • Described each scene.

  • Level 2

  • Makes reference to deeper meaning of characters.

  • Includes messages about characters e.g. Mothers.

  • The messages link from each key scene provided.

  • Level 3
  • Clear Thesis Statement. 

  • Links back to the points made, throughout the presentation.

  • Could also look at other narrative aspects to reinforce analysis of characters. 

  • Conclusion answers the Personal Argument.

  • Level 3
  • Uses information on slides to expand on points. 

  • Large focus on characters which is a good link to narrative.

  • Could explain the plot of both films more, for the audience to achieve a better understanding. 
(Level 3)
  • Explores the micro and macro showing links through key scenes.

  • Use of advanced film terminology.

  • Level 3
  • Good understanding on macro points.

  • Leads from Mise-en-scene, highlighting alternative interpretation towards masculinity.

  • Level 4  
  • Clear meaning on personal argument.

  • Messages and Values might be easier to condense points.

  • Level 3
  • Clear plot understanding.

  • Might be good to summarise the personal argument more in the conclusion. 
(Level 3)
  • highlights Misc-en-scene micro aspect.

  • Includes clear layout towards the PEAS structure.

  • Level 3 
  • Representation through characters is detailed.

  • Level 3
  • Good direct Thesis Statement.

  • For more variety, could link to the sci-fi  aspect of both films.

  • Level 2
  • Clear structure to Textual Analysis points.

  • Clear comparison of the two films.

  • Youth resolution can be added as another point or add on.  
(Level 3)
  • Good use of key scenes to communicate micro aspects.

  • Good use of terminology.

  • Level 3
  • Provided alternative interpretations.

  • Explanation of genre can link to zombie and undead concepts.

  • Level 3 
  • Clear explanation towards the horror genre.

  • good contextual information.

  • Level 2
  • Good understanding of resolutions. 

  • Could include more information linked with expectations of a horror and the narrative structure in accordance with vampires.
(Level 3)
  • Use of micro and macro terminology.

  • use of PEAS structure.

  • Level 3
  • Good link to mise-en-scene. 

  • Representation of gangsters and antagonists is clear.

  • Clear key scenarios.

  • Level 3 
  • Clear Thesis Statement in accordance with representation and narrative. 

  • Answers the personal argument.

  • Level 3
  • Good historical context in thesis statement. 

  • Some conclusive points from the personal argument.

  • Could look more into micro features for each key scene.  
(Level 3)
  • Strong detection of Micro aspects.

  • Level 2
  • Reference to youth through representation.

  • Understanding of key scenes by using skills.

  • Level 3 
  • Clear understanding of the difference of youth.

  • Level 3
  • Describes the plot of both films for easier understanding for the audience.

  • Could be more specific about key scenes, and the links from micro to macro could be more direct. 
(Level 3)
  • Description of both films.

  • use of narrative character roles.

  • highlights mise-en-scene as a main micro aspect. 

  • Level 2
  • Analysis of micro aspects to show symbolism of father figure is a good in depth analysis.

  • Level 3
  • Clear personal argument. 

  • Description and analysis of heroes.

  • good conclusion of heroes e.g. Damaged characters.

  • Level 3
  • Some comparison to each film. 

  • Could talk more in depth about narrative character roles and the heroes rebirth. 
(level 3)
  • Shows understanding of narrative.

  • Use of mise-en-scene to lead into micro aspect.

  • direct analysis.

  • Level 3
  • Strong link to characters about narrative. 

  • analysis of all key scenes provided in presentation.

  • Level 2
  • Clear in showing the contrast of the films. 

  • Could speak about generic narrative character roles.

  • Level 3
  • Descriptive about story lines. 

  • Can link to Peter’s study by talking about the heroes rebirth.

  • Could include more genre details (horror and humour aspects).
(Level 3)
  • Reference to mise-en-scene and cinematography.

  • Follows essay structure.

  • Level 2

  • States how the macro is conveyed through key scenes in both films.

  • Level 3
  • Protagonist development included within Thesis Statement. 

  • Reference to antagonists and the restoring of equilibrium.

  • Level 3
  • Could link to narrative character roles. 

  • The key scenes could have a larger focus towards Harry Brown as a character.

  • Could make reference to the symbology behind Harry Brown walking through the tunnel at the end.  
(Level 3)
  • Direct in highlighting micro and macro.

  • Shows how the use of editing and mise-en-scene is used.

  • Level 3
  • Analysis of micro aspects in key scenes.

  • Level 3
  • Shows how they break the narrative of stereotypical horrors. 

  • Could talk more in detail about the change in horror conventions and genre.

  • Level 2 
  • Describes both films. 

  • Expand to the genre aspect, highlighting how Scream has changed conventional character roles.

  • Can talk about the use of gore and how the use of film stars help drive scream as a successful film. When in comparison to Paranormal Activity which was cheap to make. 
(Level 3)
  • Highlights editing techniques. 

  • Use of sounds as a micro aspect.

  • Level 3
  • Use of characters in a relationship to reflect stereotypical roles of men and women, 

  • Selected appropriate key scenes for analysis to communicate points being made.

  • Level 3
  • Representation  of women is clear. 

  • Character’s journeys which highlight independence.

  • Level 2
  • Good contrast of roles.

  • Could use more mise-en-scene as a micro aspect in highlighting costume e.g. Hippy appearance in One Day.

  • Could link to overall gender representation as a personal argument, not just women.