Thursday 2 August 2012

AS Film Studies Induction Task

Analysis of V For Vendetta
In my opinion the film falls into the genre of an action thriller. This is on the basis that the film contains several fight scenes and the odd explosion, all of which contribute to the developing plot line. this continues throughout the film until the very end. To add to the reasoning behind the selection of a thriller type genre, each scene moves forward revealing unanswered questions and character motives. One more genre the film could fall into is dystopia, as the events occurring take place in one interpretation of the not to distant future. Personally I enjoy films with an action or thriller genre, making the film in my eyes a great success and living up to my expectations.
The film is very well shot and edited from beginning to end. The style in which it is filmed helps to communicate the many themes to the audience. As well as this it conveys a clear definition between good and evil. It does this by creating an understanding from the beginning that the chancellor is evil, as the conference with his colleagues takes place in a large dark room following the stereotypical view of an evil organisation. There is also scenes showing the chancellor as a form of dictator conducting a speech as armed men march across the screen, bringing to mind the concept of Hitler’s armies, and all the  associated evil. Not only this, but the men are consumed by red and black colours which are notorious in history for portraying the villain(s). Red being the colour of blood and black representing darkness. However when we venture away from the dark city and dull alleyways patrolled by Fingermen, and we find ourselves in the protagonists home, it is well lit and consists of many positive and mysterious objects. This brings across a sense of comfort, also reinforcing the idea the protagonist is good as opposed to evil.
One strong relationship which is formed in the film is between V and Evey. As the plot progresses we also see how their relationship develops to become something of a romantic feature to the film. It is one of trust and understanding, a key moment when this becomes apparent is when V creates a prison scenario allowing Evey to go through what he once did, so that they may share empathy for one another. Although she feels betrayed at first, it can be seen later on that she recongnises V’s intention in making her a stronger individual, one without fear. The film reveals why V becomes hellbent on revenge, though showing some of the methods adopted at Larkhill Detention Facility. Beyond this he remains on a righteous path to rebel against a controlling government, giving complete control of the final stage of his plan to Evey.
Throughout the film many themes are explored. In my opinion I believe the strongest theme communicated is the idea of freedom. It is the most obvious goal which is sought for  by V and the suppressed society of London. In portraying the protagonist / hero as a terrorist and rebel, It allows the audience to see that terrorism and rebellion are not always bad. It can come down to a matter of opinion between the controlling government and the people. It explores how through conflict and a strong desire to survive, all it takes to change the world is just the will of a single man, by use of a symbol.  
Sequel For Appaloosa
(Everett Hitch rides off into the distance. Virgil Cole is approached by Phil Olsen)
Phil: Why Mr Hitch has thrown his last tantrum, this time he has gone to far in shooting Mr Bragg... Surely you must dispatch a posse in pursuit immediately...
Virgil: Yeah...I suppose I must.
(Virgil flicks his hat to Phil)
Virgil: Mr Olsen.                   

(Virgil walks aways)